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Table 1 Summary of demographic characteristics and preoperative clinical data of treated and untreated fellow eyes

From: Postoperative Choroidal Vascular Biomarkers in Eyes with Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment-Related Giant Retinal Tears


Control contralateral eyes (n = 29)

Treated eyes (n = 33)

p value

Age (mean ± SD)

55.18 ± 10.31



Female (N, %)

26 (78.7)



Preoperative BCVA (logMAR) (median, min–max)

0.09 (0.00–1.60)

1.90 (1.60–2.0)

 < 0.0001*

axial length (mm) (median, min–max)

28.12 (23.21–29.42)

28.10 (26.42–31.26)


Follow-up (months, mean ± SD)


27.20 ± 15.82


TCA (mm2) (mean ± SD)

0.46 ± 0.09

0.36 ± 0.10


LCA (mm2) (mean ± SD)

0.32 ± 0.06

0.19 ± 0.06


CVI (%) (mean ± SD)

71.2 ± 8.50

53.6 ± 8.81

 < 0.0001*

Choriocapillaris flow area (mm2)

2.08 ± 0.50

1.70 ± 0.51


  1. BCVA best-corrected visual acuity, CI confidence interval, GRT giant retinal tear, logMAR logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution, SD standard deviation
  2. *Statistically significant differences