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Figure 3 | International Journal of Retina and Vitreous

Figure 3

From: Investigation of new dyes for chromovitrectomy: preclinical biocompatibility of trisodium, orangell and methyl violet

Figure 3

Retinal findings by histology with 1% toluidine blue light microscopy 1 week after intravitreal 0.05 ml of Methyl Violet in OD and BSS in OS. Group 5 OD: GC: focal areas of vacuolization (*); IPL: intact; INL: focal vacuolization (+); OPL: intact; ONL: artifactual findings; photoreceptors layer: artifactual findings. Group 5 OS: GC: focal areas of vacuolization (*); IPL: intact; INL: focal vacuolization (+); OPL: intact; ONL: intact; photoreceptors layer: artifactual findings. Group 6 OD: GC: focal areas of vacuolization (*); IPL: intact; INL: focal vacuolization (+); OPL: intact; ONL: intact; photoreceptors layer: intact.

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