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Table 2 Questions done for every phone consultation

From: Proposed algorithm during COVID-19 pandemic for patient management in medical retina clinic



Did you travel outside UK in the last 3 months? If Yes, where about?

If yes and if in any high risk area, patient not allowed to come to the clinic

Do you think you get in contact with somebody that resulted positive for coronavirus?

If yes, patient not allowed to come to the clinic

Are you self-isolating?

If yes, patient not allowed to come to the clinic

Do you have any cough, fever or shortness of breath?

If yes, patient not allowed to come to the clinic

Did you notice any change in your vision? Did you note any distortion on your Amsler Chart?

If yes to both of the questions, patient asked to come to the clinic

For patients affected by wet AMD, are you keen to come to have the injection done?

If not, explain to the patient the possible risks of suspending the intravitreal injections