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Table 1 American Telehealth Association DR telehealth program categories of validation [13]

From: Teleophthalmology and retina: a review of current tools, pathways and services

Validation category



Separation of patients into two categories:

1) No or minimal DR (ETDRS level ≤ 20)

2) More than minimal DR (ETDRS level > 20)


Separation of patients into two categories:

1) Non-sight-threatening DR

2) Sight-threatening DR (diabetic macular edema (DME), severe non-proliferative DR (ETDRS level ≥ 53), or proliferative DR (ETDRS level ≥ 61)


Identification of ETDRS defined levels of non-proliferative DR (mild, moderate, severe), proliferative DR (early, high-risk), and DME with sufficient accuracy to determine follow-up and treatment strategies at a level equivalent to dilated clinical retinal examination


Ability to match or exceed the ability of ETDRS photos to identify and determine severity of DR and DME