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Fig. 4 | International Journal of Retina and Vitreous

Fig. 4

From: Correlation between retinal sensitivity assessed by microperimetry and structural abnormalities on optical coherence tomography after successful epiretinal membrane surgery

Fig. 4

Representative images of microperimetry (MP) test. The exam combines a fundus camera image and microperimetry grid overlaid, with 44 tested points covering 20 central degrees (10 degrees from the center of the fovea in each direction), covering a 6 mm diameter at the macular area. A: The representation of MP in the normal control eye. The green color represents retinal sensitivity (RS) response within normal limits. B: Example of MP test in a patient after ERM surgery. Note the presence of areas of RS responses within normal limits (green), borderline (yellow), and outside normal limits (red). C: The same patient is represented in B, with the OCT ETDRS map with a direct topographic projection over the MP-tested area. Each inner and outer ETDRS map sector's thickness measurements covered by the OCT contain five RS-tested points, while in the central circle (1 mm), there are four RS-tested points

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